Saturday, October 27, 2007


I've spent my entire day cleaning! Whoo! I'm a housewife but even so I don't normally clean till 8 pm. And I still have 5 loads of laundry to fold. I dump it all on my bed and fold it in the evening while watching TV on DVD. I get to sit down! Having people over makes me 'physco' (according to my husband) I go into super cleaning mode. The upside is my home gets sparkling clean, even if I'm very tired. My goal is to keep my house clean enough to get it guest ready in an hour or two. However the 8 animals and husband that I live with do not prize cleanliness as highly as I do. I wonder if everyone has this reaction to guests? I know my mother does. She has a insanely clean house and I never see her cleaning it. But when she has company coming she goes on the cleaning rampage too. Maybe physco is genetic?

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