Monday, October 8, 2007


We broke down and bought the $40 paint sprayer we decided against. OH MY GOODNESS! We were stupid! Should have bought that in the first place. We got more of the house painted in 3 hours then 6 days!!! If you need to paint your house and dont have tons of help, buy a paint sprayer!!! It DOES make a huge mess, which i dont like but given the huge time savings i'm willing to look the other way.

Dh and i bought supplies to make a cat stand. So far we've spend $20. We have some carpet, and free wood. I think we'll pick up 2 more 2x4s for another $3. Most decent cat stands cost 100-200 dollars. Plus its something we enjoy. A year ago we took an old cheap set of shelves (no back) and carpeted them, then wrapped the sides in Sisile rope. The cats LOVED them! It was 3 shelves of scratching, lounging bliss. It was fun, and it used up a piece of furniture we were planning on throwing out. I was bummed when it fell apart on my husband during the move. AFTER i lugged them up a 2 flights of stairs! :)

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