Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thrift store decorations

I love decorating. I'm having so much fun with the nursery. Last night while dh and I were in the thrift store looking for costume items I found a cute little sign that says 'Home is where your story begins' Anna Danielson. I love it! And I love the price tag. .99 cents! I cant decide if it goes in the bathroom or kitchen. Here's my pretty little sign.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


We're having quite the run of bad luck here. Our youngest cat was not acting like himself Tuesday/Wednesday. I took him to the vet Wednesday to get checked out. Xrays and blood tests didn't show anything $270. Took him home, was force feeding per instructions. He got worse. Thursday I took him back in, to be hospitalized. They gave him an Iv and pain meds. Tested him for a horrible, deadly, highly contagious (to other cats) disease. He was negative! YAY! Then he was given a Barium xray series. There were 2 definite blocks in his digestive system. Friday morning he had surgery, part of his intestine had to be removed because the blockage had killed it. We went to see him, he was highly doped up and quite sick of the poor vet tech! Today he gets to come home. We're estimating this bill to be around $1,400. HOLY COW! I'm very thankful we can afford it. Paying to save his life was never a question for hubby or I. Most of the guys on his boat find us crazy, and maybe we are. But that little boy is worth every penny of that. I would spend that much to save any one of our babies. We have been in a position before where we had no way of paying it. (and thankfully the vet was very wrong) That's not a position I want to find ourselves in ever again. I'm thankful this vet is so wonderful. I'm thankful baby cat deviated so severely from his normal behavior to shock us into taking him in right away. Most of all I'm thankful my naughty little kitty will be healthy again. He is so very loved.

Friday, October 3, 2008

I love military insurance.

Disclaimer: My husband sacrifices a LOT for this benefit.

Last night I had an emergency ER visit due to complications from my surgery 2 weeks ago. It was scary! This morning I had an urgent appointment to follow up. I am horribly afraid of invasive procedures, hospitals, needles, IVs, etc. Hysterical afraid. In the past two weeks I've been subjected to a lot. And its very very hard on me to go through everything I've had to do. Its Very hard on Dh to watch me go through it as well. But the good thing is the surgery was free. Medication free. Er visit free. Urgent visit free. And hopefully we've prevented cancer. I need a nap!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall decorating bug, its spreading!

Looks like some other ladies who's blogs I read had the same decorating itch today!

I love her white pumpkins!

Life on Hackberry road I wish I could paint a cute bucket like this!

It is very inspiring to see other ladies decorating on a budget.

Moved around already!

Yeah, that didn't last long did it?

Small pumpkins placed on big candle holders:

I found this sign I had already purchased from the dollar store:

With the small pumpkins, and white pillar candle removed it looks much better:

Simple, inexpensive fall decor.

Fall is here. I would like to decorate for it. We have minimal storage (read no garage, no hall closet, no utility closet, no linen closet!) meaning i cant store a ton of pretty things to be used once a year. But I would like to have a few things. My stop at Joanne fabric was temptation city. I left with just 2 items, but it was close. I think a cute fall sign will make its way home with me next week! This week i bought a cute harvest sign for the yard, and a cute Halloween tray. Dh and I are not big Halloween people, neither one of us was allowed to trick or treat as a child. I don't care for creepy decorations either but I LOVE this tray. Its cutely painted and very inexpensive. Best of all I didn't move anything or store any of our regular decorations to put it up.



The tray was normally like $4 on sale for $2.80.

Front door:

Rug was purchased mega clearance last year, I want to say for $3. Door bell was .95. (We use one year round, supposedly it helps potty train dogs. They learn to ring it with their nose when they need to potty. Big dog did it for awhile but he used it to go play outside more then potty! We need to teach them again.) We were married between the candle holders, they stay in the living room year round. I think they need some orange candles.

My thrift store pumpkins:

SO CHEAP! The two big ones were $2.50 total, the small ones were .70 total, and the medium one was .95. The bell for the back door was .95. The big ones will go on the porch.

This display I'm having problems with, it does not look quite right. The 3 drawer chest (Bombay $9 at thrift store!) has to stay dh stores his man stuff in it. Of course all the video game systems and TV equipment have to stay as well. Hmmm must think.


Purchased for $5 at a garage sale. Its going to sit on the couch, but its not out yet.

The harvest sign purchased today was $7.50 half off. I dont have a picture yet.

Confession, ALL these pictures were taken in the living room. Its being painted. The surgery threw off my painting but I'm hoping my mom and I can finish on Sunday. The first picture is the color being painted. LOVE it!

Total $23.15 so far!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Wow. Economic scare anyone?

The latest bank closure has hit too close to home. We have a Washington Mutual account. I opened my first checking account there when I was 16. Until dh and I combined finances that was my only bank. It has not been our main bank since then, but it shocked me to my core when it went down. I'm not a doomsday sort of a woman, I tend to ignore dire predictions. But 3 major banks in one week?? HELLO! Whats the point of recording history if we dont learn from it?? Until the latest bank failing I've been pretty calm but watchful. Now I'm scared. We wont pull our money out of banks, that WOULD make more fail. But I intend to invest in some items, and keep a good stash of cash at home. If the banks fail we wont have access to dh's paycheck, the military makes you use direct deposit. There is no other option. We talked about what were going to do to prepare last night.

Build the Pantry back up.

Buy a flashlight/solar charger we saw for $25

Buy more solar lamps.

Get a filled propane tank for the bbq

Store some gas in the shed.

Buy a small child wagon

Store some water.

Get rid of clutter

Sell the good extra car, donate the van

Being afraid wont help anything, the economy is going to do what its going to do. I can't keep it from failing by being afraid. But I can prepare, calmly. If i have a plan I feel better.I am very thankful for our house. We live close enough to walk to base. Where dh works. Where there is a grocery store, and a store with general merchandise. Little bit of everything. If gas becomes scarce we can manage without driving. It would be tough but doable. The wagon would be for groceries, and dh can grab small items on his way home from work. We live up the street from a hardware store, and a Rite aid. They would be a pretty good walk but we can do it. I wish we had a wood stove or a place to put one! But we have fur heat. All our animals and us and one room would heat it up quickly! We can cook on the bbq if necessary. Solar lamps do not produce enough light to compete with an electric light but they help. I put one in the bathroom (when I remember I have to charge it in the living room) and its enough light to see when the house is dark, close to a night light. A cleared out drivieway would allow us to park an rv there if my parents need to live with us.

I'm thankful my dh will not lose his job. His pay will not go down. It may not go up but it will not go down. I'm thankful we own our cars. I'm thankful we have savings. I'm thankful I know how to bake bread, bagels, muffins etc. I'm thankful we know how to be very very frugal if needed. I'm thankful we will still have store access if we cant drive, in some of our old homes that would not be true. I'm thankful the base store sells animal food. I'm thankful we already live a wonderful life on less, taking it down a notch would be fine for us. Kitty litter might be a problem! Newspaper anyone? Oh wait i've been wanting to train them to use the toliet, looks like now is a good time.

Friday, September 26, 2008

In the land of the organized

I like to organize. I get a secret (okay not so secret my husband figured it out) gleeful thrill when I take chaos and mold it into a neat system. Just this weekend we spent $16 (SIXTEEN HOW RIDICULOUS) on 2 spring loaded drawer organizers. They divide a dresser drawer into 3 compartments. I used them in our sock drawer, and its excellent. REALLY excellent. Then I took small baskets I already owned and organized my under garment drawer. No pictures of that! Between the two drawers there was a small garbage bag of things I no longer needed, and a big one full of things that didn't go there. Its so nice now. The drawer opens easily and I can quickly find what I need.

Yesterday i wanted to simmer my orange peel, cinnamon and cloves on the stove for an easy air freshener. But I couldn't find the whole cinnamon in the disaster pit of a baking cabinet. I pulled EVERYTHING out, cleaned the shelves, and organized it all back in nicely. Since it has been organized before I had most of the items I needed. 5 dollar store items are used for the majority of storage. A pretty heart shaped baking tin that is not used often holds bottles. Empty Ragu jars hold baking chocolate and wheat germ. Just the other day I was teasing my hubby for saving them when we didn't have a purpose for them, and now I'm glad he did! This time I added an inventory to the cabinet door. We know exactly what goes in there and what does not.

Its so pretty now and it did not cost a dime!

All that organization set me off, the bottom cabinets were next. I've been buying organizational tools for those, it really helps and is worth the extra money. I think the lid holder was $4, the baking pan holder was $5, the stack holder was $4, and the shelf was $5. $18 for sanity? Yeah I can do that. My mom is looking for a lid holder that goes onto the cabinet door, the only ones I have seen have to be shipped. I don't like paying for shipping, I will wait. For your viewing pleasure (? lol) my halfway organized kitchen. Keep in mind its not finished yet, the plate cupboard is still messy.

This cabinet uses a metal shelf, and a slot holder. The slot holder has cake pans and is behind the mixing bowls.

This cabinet uses a stacker organizer to hold cookie sheets, a serving tray, muffin pan, and the sides of my cheesecake pan. The bottom is holding the yummy cheesecake in the fridge!

No organizer was used in this cabinet.

Or here! See the mess?

This one uses a lid organizer. The extra lids were placed in a bread pan.

I've gone through and organized many times before but it always gets sabotaged. My husband puts things away where ever is convenient, and forget stacking. I'm hoping the inventory on each door will help. If not I'm printing out these pictures to go inside the door.

The upper cupboards will be far more difficult, small pieces. And I'm not sure what to do with the plates. We're passively watching for a new set of dishes. While my brain mulls this over I will enjoy my pretty cabinets.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


How is it a small, cheery little room is an emotional mine field? The pretty little nursery jammed with baby paraphernalia. I ha vent been able to work on anything in there for weeks, its too sad. Every once in a while I'll do a load of laundry and discover an article of baby clothing waiting to be washed. Tiny little pants make me wonder will I have a baby that small? Will they be brand new from the hospital or an older toddler who is already mobile? Will they be a girl or a boy? When will we get the call, weekday, morning, afternoon, 2 am? What will it be like to go from a young couple to a young family? And when? When?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Free doggy fun.

We have 2 goofy dogs that LOVE to play. They also love to chew and rip their toys. Even If i buy them clearance I hate to let them tear them up, they only get the 'good' soft toys when we're playing too, to prevent ripping. But there are several free, no effort toys they love.

Ice cubes They love to chew on these! The corgi especially loves them, he comes running when he hears me break the ice cubes in the tray. He even loves to 'fish' for ice cubes in their water bowl. His whole body wiggles with joy when he is given an ice cube. He rolls onto his back and side kicking and wiggling while holding it in his mouth.

Plastic bottles We only use bottles that used to hold safe, non toxic yummy substances. Like milk, pop, vinegar, etc. I make sure its mostly empty, screw the lid back on then slide it across the floor. They chase, pounce, and flip the bottle. I take the lid as soon as they get it off. They love to lick inside the bottle and chew away. As soon as it gets broken down (a piece removed) take it away. This is fun recycling before the real recycling begins.

Pants legs off old strong pants Dh's uniform wardrobe includes Dickie type pants that are much less Strong then Dickies. (we used to buy Dickies brand but this command wont allow it) Usually the legs are still in tact when the rest of the pants give out. I cut the legs off for a dog tug toy. Sometimes he tie knots in the leg but often we leave it plain. They are free to rip, tear and bite till the pants are rags. They play tug with us, with each other and alone. (big dog stands on one end with his paw, then rips the other end with his teeth) The pants can be wadded up and thrown like a ball for retrieval (yeah right lol) and chase. The dogs often grab one end of the pant leg in their teeth, shake their heads and flip the other end around like some kind of dog ribbon dance.

Sticks We throw sticks outside for chase. Long ones allow both dogs to grab on and tug. Sometimes they get chewed on as well but I tend to discourage that they don't need chunks of wood in their stomachs.

Slightly more expensive toys they adore.

Old balls from the thrift store. I give them a through vinegar disinfection before the dogs get to play. We buy footballs, soccer balls, and volley balls. All are pumped fully before going to the boys, and even then big dogs still pops them quickly. Generally those balls go outside, and are used to play with us. Even popped they have excellent play value and can last months. Big dog LOVES footballs best. Dh taught them to step back and get down on their tummy's or front legs when we say 'Ready? Set? HUT!' its SO cute. And it keeps the excited jumping on us down because they know the throw is coming. We wont pay more then $3 for a ball and it has to be in good structural shape, we often find them for less.

Dollar store rope toys These last for a month or more, and they are kept down all the time. They make great tug, flip, and throw toys. ($1)

Laser pointer Before the city put in horribly bright street lights we used to take them outside in the dark so they could chase the laser point around the yard. Now we have to play inside, there is less room but they still adore running after it, full speed! Big dog pounces on the laser point. Little dog likes to chase. They scurry across the floor as hard as they can slipping and sliding. They love it so much if we get a remote out of the crock its kept in they get excited. Its great for getting that last bit of energy out at the end of the day, or for me to work them out when I'm ill. I like the ones from Walmart, on the battery rack. They are long, silver, with a 'flashlight' and a laser pointer in one. Usually around $4.

Now don't think my dogs are deprived, they get new expensive toys and bones. They have doggy toy chests full of fabric toys that squeak, squawk, and make all kinds of noises. But those don't stand a chance of surviving all day play. I have made them fabric toys in the past but sewing is hard for me and I hate to see them ripped apart. If you sew well you can make all sorts of nice, store bought type toys. Pets mart sells the plastic squeakers for $3 a package.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Budget decorating

I started re-doing the bathroom a few months ago. Its nearly done. I had a hard time deciding on the paint colors, dh requested the room be 'soothing'. He gets up very early and did not want to be startled when he walks into the bathroom. The paint kind of chose itself when I found a shower curtain I LOVED. Dh gave his approval (its his house too!) and it was settled. It took awhile to get the paint finished, I don't mind painting the middle and bottom of the wall, but heights scare me!
I spent $30 on the shower curtain, $26 on mildew resistant paint, $10 on art, $6 on the fancy hand towels, $4 on a basket and $5 on picture frames. The white cabinet was purchased last year for $12.

Before picture:

I couldn't change anything major, the linoleum, shower stall, and vanity have to stay till we have a MUCH bigger budget.

Please ignore the painters tape still on these, I'm not done yet. The photos came from last year's Monet calender. I don't think the pictures will be staying, they don't seem quite right but for now I like them.

I have a sarong I already owned up for curtains. (our bathroom faces a retaining wall, we don't need much privacy) My seamstress (loving mother) has fabric for the curtains but we havent come up with the correct treatment yet. The makeover took me a fair amount of time searching for bargains, painting etc but it only cost $93. And I LOVE it. Most soothing room in the house!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


WE ARE FINALLY FULLY LICENSED FOSTER PARENTS! I have the license in my hot little hands! Its official. Now if the phone would just ring. . .

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New comforter

When dh and I combined stuff we went with his quilt because he loves it. His green quilt. I detest green. I've dealt with it for 5 years. But no longer!!! Our plan is to paint the room purple, we have purple curtains over the windows and a dark brown curtain over the closet. A purple Comforter might be a bit much on top of all of that. I found this comforter at the nex, on clearance. Normally $120, on sale for $60! I had to check with dh first. It's his comforter too! And its over our $50 limit, anything more then that we check with our spouse. He approved it and thankfully it was still there later. I LOVE it! Its so pretty and fluffy. No more tugging the quilt from each other in the middle of the night. Apparently his quilt was only a full, NOT a queen. Last night the cats wouldn't have anything to do with it, they were fighting over the skirt i left on the bed. You can see they've come to terms with the change.

My plan is to give this room a complete makeover.To get rid of the dressers replacing them with a really big and tall one to share. A new night stand on my side, and to paint the one on Dh's side. I'd like to add a comfy lounger and small reading table. Not to mention painting it purple, and replacing the cheapo carpet. If only I had 6 hands.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rite aid deals August 24-30

itch X-GEL w aloe $5.99 sale $3.99 free after rebate
Certain dri feet pads $7,59 sale $4.99 after rebate .99
Ez start clear tape $3.69 sale $1.50 free after rebate
Pert plus $4.19 on sale $2.99 used $3 coupon, free
Pert plus $4.19 on sale $2.99 used $2 coupon, after $2 rebate Free plus $1 overage
2 vive men shampoo $9.98 sale bogo $4.99

Full price $33.23
Sale prices $21.45
After coupons $16.45
After rebate $4.98
If pert peelie works $1

There is a peelie on the pert for a $3.99 rebate. I don't have much luck with manufacture rebates. I'm going to send it in anyway, and if I do get it back that would make everything $1. TOTAL. That's wonderful!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Laundry cheat sheet

My simple laundry project.

I clipped the wheel and chart from the April 2008 issue of Real Simple magazine. I don't usually buy this one its expensive $4. I splurged for our plane ride back in April. I kept it to cut out the laundry charts.

Close up of wheel.

I stuck a brad in the center of the wheel to allow it to turn for easy reading. The scrapbook paper came from my stash. The 'this is the life' sticker also come from my stash. The 'dream' sticker was part of a pack from the dollar store. I used a puff pen on the flower, also from my stash. You can see the mark my coffee cup made when set on it. Twice! lol. I think its a cute little project that looks nice in our little laundry room. Maybe now my husband will stop shrinking my clothes!

Close up of chart.

Friday, August 22, 2008

To sit? Or not to sit?

I had a baby sitting interview today. It would be nice to have extra cash for house projects. I want to baby sit for only one family, 2 kids max. Would prefer 1 child. My main goal is to have something to focus on besides the foster wait! But this one is up in the air because the baby is not used to animals. We have a few. . She liked them but was unsure. I wouldnt be terribly heart broken because the mom pays by day and not hourly, and not as much as i would like. But if they choose me, i'll do it.

If i manage to keep dh home tonight that will be 2 no spending days in a row. I would really love to go an entire week without spending money but it never seems to work for us. Especially when were up in our ears in home projects! I had leftovers for lunch. Leftover fondue. lol but it still qualifies right?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Waiting, waiting

Still waiting on the adoption front. The longer it goes the harder it gets! Seems like pregnant women and babies are everywhere! I posted an ad on craigslist for baby sitting. I think it would be good for me, and the extra money could go into the house account. For projects or a new roof.

Frugal fence.

Unfortunately our over protective big dog feels the need to leap over the front retaining wall to bark at people passing by. He never bites but he does growl and i imagine its very frightening to people who don't know he's a big licking goofus. The several foot tall retaining fence should be a good enough boundary for him, but its not. So in dh's limited free time we're building a 3 foot fence. For several months we have had a 2/3 foot wire fence on the side of the property to keep them from running into the street. Its low enough he could easily jump it or rip it down. But he doesn't. The boy just needs a visual boundary.

Fences are very expensive! Thankfully the back of our property is a very tall retaining wall, and one of the sides is already fenced. All we have to fence is the front and one side. We looked at some of the pre-made panels, the one we liked was $70 a panel. We would need 4 on the side and probably 6 in front. $700 plus we would have to buy concrete and corner posts. I'm almost positive we've bought everything we need to build the fence.

Its a very simple fence, we used 4x4s for the corner posts 8-10 feet apart,cemented into the ground, then screwed 2 2x4s between the corner posts. For slats we're hoping to use the wood from pallets. Its the right height. The only issue is when we try to hammer them apart we end up splitting several boards from the pallet. Or all of them. lol We're going to try taking it apart with a saw. If we have to buy the slats it will greatly increase the product cost!

So far our fence total is $276. Including a post hole digger, brackets, and cement mixer for the drill.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rebates everywhere

I just requested my rite aid rebate of $32.94. I forgot to request my April rebate check of $17.94 and they were holding it hostage! The check wasn't mailed till June 28! Months after the rebates were done! Its irritating to say the least, I had better be more diligent about requesting my money back. June was a slow month for Walgreen's, our rebate will be $10. I need to mail that today. We also have a rebate for $30 blue tooth head piece, a $40 mp3 rebate, and a $5 gallon of paint rebate. Total that's $130.93 in rebates. I want to start depositing these checks in a savings account, generally they get cashed and spent on random things. Instead of that I would like to save them up perhaps in a vacation fund?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My beloved coupon organizer. The binder.

How do you organize your coupons? I used to use a cheapo accordion envelope system from the dollar store but they quickly broke. Then I moved on to better made check filing accordion style envelopes. But i needed 3-4 to hold all my coupons, and i would spend forever in store aisles flipping through all the coupons in each category. DH would be bored and I would be frustrated, I was forever forgetting the one envelope i needed. I felt rushed, and stressed out in stores.

I cant remember exactly where but i started seeing coupon binders on the Internet. Hmm interesting idea. But it would be expensive to purchase, and time consuming to keep up. My old way I just clipped the coupons and jammed them in the slots, no filing needed. But after being continuously frustrated by my 'quick' method, I decided to give it a shot.

I bought a zippered 3 ring binder, and two packs of baseball card protectors from Target. I've been using this system for a month, and let me tell you its amazing. It does take time to file the coupon but you can see at a glance what coupons are available for each category. Its quick to flip through, and easy to manage. In most shopping carts the binder props nicely in the child's basket. This allows for easy flippage, and last minute deals. Not to mention its quite a conversation starter, a clerk at Walgreen's was so excited about the idea that she kept talking to me the whole time i was there. She even asked to ring me up personally. :) I let her of course!

The front pocket of the binder is a great place to save my receipts, easy saver books, and in store coupons. Now all my Walgreen's receipts, and register rewards are in one place. I also keep the current ad of rite aid ad and walgreens ad if I have it (doesn't come to us in the mail, we pick it up from the store) in the front for quick deal comparisons. Need bug spray? Lets see what store is cheaper.

Coupons that have not yet been filed go in a zippered pouch. I thought it was a hole punched pouch when i bought it, but I was wrong. Very wrong. :) It works for now but I would still like one with holes. I LOVE having a place to store the coupons, I generally clip on Sunday/Monday and file another day. Often I file while watching TV. I used to use the plastic bag from the paper, I always had to tell DH not to throw out the little bits of paper gold. Now they are kept safe and sound.
It may sound like I love this system a little too much, but let me tell you something that keeps me organized, on track, and saves me money? Now that awesome!

Oh humble binder how I adore thee. :) Hmm little over the crazy hedge? I think so!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rite aid deals June 22

I bought
OFF! mosquito lamp $10.99 sale $7.99 used $3 coupon from paper and $1 coupon from rite aid add. Total $3.99
2 Sea kelp shampoos $7.98 sale $5.98 after rebate $2
2 finesse conditioners $7.98 sale $6 after rebate $1
Crest tooth paste $3.99 sale $2.99 after rebate free

Full price $27.98
Sale $22.96
After coupons $18.96
After rebate $6.99

Tax adds $1.97
Total $8.96

Friday, June 20, 2008

Easy Peasy menu plan :)

I cant stand for long periods of time, in fact i shouldn't be using my knee at all. This makes cooking rather difficulty. Especially because my beloved husband is not a cook. He is on his way to becoming a barbecue master, but thats about it. Not to mention he's exhausted after a very very long day of work. We both agreed we don't want to eat fast food for the foreseeable future. My answer is simple meals, with liberal use of the crock pot.

Saturday evening after we go to the grocery store i want to put this breakfast casserole in the crock pot. We can eat it for breakfast Sunday morning. I plan to put the leftovers in tortillas, freeze the tortillas and reheat all week long. Yum!

Saturday I would like to eat fish for dinner. Perhaps with a pasta and pea side dish.

Sunday- Depends on what Dh wants.

Monday- leftovers, dh works

Tuesday- Chicken Bean Tortilla Soup yum

Wednesday- Roast with vegetables

Thursday- Italian Tortellini maybe with spinach salad


Saturday- We'll see!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Rite aid deals

A quick after dinner rite aid run yielded:
2 liption rice packets normally $3.78 on sale for $1.98 after coupon $1.25
2 hershey packs $3.18 on sale for $1.58
Colgate sensitive toothpaste $3.99. sale for $2.99 after coupon $1.99 after rebate $1
3m bandiaids $3.99 on sale for $.99 used $1 coupon free
diapermate disposable bags $2.99 on sale $2.49 free after rebate
2 Vitamins for dh $9.98 sale bigo $4.99 after $1 coupon $3.99

Full price $27.91
sale before coupons $15.02
After coupons $11.27
After rebate $7.78

Walgeens deals

Monday Dh and I were in Walgreens, they had a deal on their thermacare heat wraps. They were 2/$12 with a $5 register reward. Dh LOVES these things, I try to buy them whenever I can. They also have a rebate when you spend $20 on thermacare you can get a $10 giftcard. So $24 in thermacare for $10 Register rewards, and a $10 giftcard. We can do that!

We will go back Saturday and buy 4 cross action oral B toothbrushes. I have 2 BiGo free coupons, and they have a $5.50 register reward. Which means we will spend $11 on $22 worth of product and get back $11 in register rewards. Brings out walgreens total to $35. Im going to take that $21 in register rewards and buy

Bacon 2/$6 use $1 coupon = $5
Snuggle sheets $1.99 use $1 coupon = $1
All $1.99 use .50 coupon = $1.50
huggies wipes 2/$5 use .50 coupon = $4.5
Advil $3.99 use $2 coupon = $1.99
Benefiber $4.99 use $2 coupon = $2.99
Total before coupons $23.96 on sale
Total $16.98 after coupons

When we get there i'm going to look at the price for move free advanced, its on sale bigo and i have a $5 off coupon. Dh would like it so we'll see. If its too expensive we will probably get another Benefiber for $3 (have more coupons) and some .79 candy to use all the register reward.

If this all goes correctly we will have spent a little more then $35 ($25 after rebate, there may be rebates available for the other products too. I have not looked yet) for $70 worth of product. Its actually more then $70 worth, that is the sale price!

Bum knee

Our in home interview went wonderfully, thank goodness the agency sent us an animal person! We were pressed to accept a sibling group again but she did accept our refusal. I have nothing but respect for parents who can do so, but thats not me. We *should* be licensed foster parents right now but Dh's boat refused to honor his signed day off, and as such we have to wait to take the class again (and drive very far to do it sooner) till July 12th. This could pose a problem as i have injured my knee badly enough to require a full leg immobilization cast. And the military doctors are dragging their feet, i hurt my leg a week and a half ago (had to go to the emergency room because I couldn't get a doctor appointment till the 24th) and Monday a full two weeks after i was hurt i can SCHEDULE the MRI to see whats up with my knee. Yeah. And i need another minor surgery that is waiting to see whats going on with my knee. I'll tell you what, I will book EVERYTHING around this class. Its more important to me then getting my knee fixed.

i'm struggling right now with being laid up on the couch. I had plans to pain my bathroom, finish the nursery trim, attack the yard, make concrete stepping stones,finish painting the outside of the house, make a rock back patio, and plant flower beds in front of the house. not to mention enjoying summer. Dh and i were thinking about taking a cruise! (through the military) We were going to stay in the caboose we stayed in our first night as a married couple for our 3rd anniversary. Instead my poor over worked husband is having to do the best he can around the house, while i do what I can without injuring myself.

There is a positive to all this.
I get time to read.
I found Dave Ramsey, and he is getting me fired up to do better financially.
I have time to scrap book, i love to do it but am usually to busy.
Plenty of time for animal pets.
Lots of time to coupon, and really search for good deals.
More mind full of trips in the car, since riding hurts and I cant drive.
We have cable TV, when i was sick from my ulcer we did not.
I don't make any income so we're fine financially
Navy medical, all the things I've been through would cost a fortune otherwise!

I'm trying to learn to be content with the way life HAS to be and not beat myself up over letting things go. I AM going to vacuum while sitting on the couch, lol. If only we had a wheelie chair down here i could vacuum a lot more but it would probably hurt the floor.

I do need to call our agency and advise them of the injury, which i hope does not cause any problems. I'm SO worried about that!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I'm happy to report my husband and i are well on our way to adopting! Our home visit is scheduled on the 29th. I'm so nervous! There is so much to be done, and its not frugal my friends! Making sure we meet all the regulations is costly! But it will be worth it in the end. I am concerned with our agency. The woman who will be doing the home visit has pushed me during both phone calls to accept 2 children at once. We are not ready to go from no babies to a toddler and infant! Thats far too overwhelming. She says, and i understand that typically they have better success finding 2 healthy little ones under 3 then one healthy baby under 12 months. But this wanna be mama is not ready to go there yet!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Anyone who has washed their laundry in the tub with their feet raise your hand. Just me huh? Ah the desprate things i do to avoid the depressing laundrymat. I cant stand laundry mats! They bum me out. So when our washer quit with a load of laundry still inside, i lugged the wet mess to the tub. It certainly gives me more respect for pioneer women!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Yay!!! Debt free! Except for the mortgage. :)

We finally recieved my husband's re-inlistment bonus. Its a large (to us) amount. About half a year's income. And we will recieve another installment of his old bonus, plus an installment of the new bonus. Its very exciting! I love being able to pay off the debt. The irritating thing is last year we paid off everything but a credit card and our car. Yes stuff came up that had to be paid/bought but there was quite a few instances when we didnt deny ourselves a wanted item, instead we charged it. Stupid! Had we kept everything paid off the entire check could go into savings or into the mortgage. Its dumb, we knew better and now its time to move on. Debt free. :) Almost.

The frugal vacation?

We're home from our 10 day trip. The main focus was a family reunion. Parts of which were really fun, what i enjoyed most was hanging out with my grandma's sisters and their descendants. They are just like my mom and aunt, we may not know your name but we'll pick on you just the same! I wanted to do this trip as frugally as possible. Some things worked and some did not.

This is our first time trying to have a semi-frugal vacation. My thoughts:

Planned on making sandwiches for lunch. Our hotel did not have a fridge. (dh thought he saw one listed when he booked) This mistake cost us a bunch, in lunch fees and not being able to save leftovers from dinner.

Stay in cheap motel $450 cost. Days Inn was just awful, final breaking point was the clerk banging on our door at 3 am because the computer had checked us out of the room. We had that night's stay refunded, checked out and headed to the nice hotel my parents stayed at. Extra cost after refunded night was $50

Planned to eat breakfast at the hotel. This worked for for 5 mornings.

Tried to spend only $400 while vacationing. That lasted 5 days. I don't intend to add up how much we spent either!

Tried to find cheap entertainment.
Visit to a beautiful mission cost $5 for their restoration project.
Arizona state museum was free.
Desert museum was $26.
Street fair was $100.
Day in tombstone cost approximately $30, for cowboy show, visit to the World's largest rosebush and cool tour.
We spent $90 at the casino which is totally abnormal. Usually we each play $20 then stop. At least $10 of that was free from the casino for signing up.
We went swimming every night except one. But we did buy goggles and dive sticks for a total of $17.
Complex of mini golf, bumper boats and arcade was $35 and SO worth it.

Having the kitties watched and house checked on will be about $50 and some homemade cookies. A friend of ours checked in on everyone for us.

Our dogs were watched by my sister in law, saving us a ton on kennel fees and worry! They had lots of love while we were gone. $0

We used a park and ride lot. They give a 25% discount for Costco members, total was $70

Rental car was $130. I think we filled up the tank twice. Arizona has MUCH cheaper gas then Washington!

Our airline had to bump us onto different flights at the last minute, and our luggage did not arrive when we did. Since we had to pass the airport on the way home anyway we stopped and picked up the luggage. That earned us a $150 travel voucher.

I think it was a pretty good vacation, we had a blast for most of it. We did a good job of site seeing but also taking time to relax in the evenings. I really enjoyed the trip, no matter how much it cost.

No, still dont want to know!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fruit Salad

I made the yummiest fruit salad for Easter supper. We celebrated Easter yesterday so its still very fresh. I layered bananas, mango, strawberries, grapes and lined the side of the bowl with cantaloupe. My mom whisked frozen orange juice concentrate with strawberry jam for the glaze. So delicious! I have a full bowl of leftover salad. I just blended the fruit salad with a small container of strawberry yogurt and its very very yummy. The grape skins get stuck in the straw but its still great.

Planting with purpose

On a recent trip to Lowes to find a peach tree I was elated to find a Rainier Cherry Tree. I ADORE rainier cherries! And they are very very expensive. Last year I drooled over and seriously considered buying some at $8 a pound! My tree cost just $14.99. Two pounds of cherries will pay for the tree. How cool is that? I think we need another tree so they can pollinate but i haven't found anything for sure yet. Right now its sitting on our porch waiting to be planted. I have the perfect spot for it but theres already a prickly most awful plant in the way. We're slowly but surely clearing the area yet.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Homey Home

We purchased our home in July of 2007. I wouldn't call it a fixer upper so much as a plain jane. The outside was painted pink, and the paint was peeling. The yard is overrun with brush and weeds, well the parts that aren't pure dirt are. The inside is all white, with horrible cheap blue carpeting. The living room has wood laminate, the bathroom and kitchen white laminate. Nothing wrong really, just plain and somewhat ugly. Not the way I want to live! of course we're on a budget but there is still ways to improve it.

We've started the outside painting,($300) hopefully we can finish soon (get warmer at night WA!) which will really improve the outside. I've been working on clearing out the brush. (free, if you don't count the electricity) Last weekend I dug a flower bed the length of the house. I planted 12 primroses, and the Narcissus bulbs i bought on clearance last year. I lined the bed with rocks from the property. It looks great and only cost me $3. (I had a $10 rite aid coupon and they had primroses on sale for .99 each) I spent 2 half days painting the kitchen a bright sunny yellow. (cost $4) It looks awesome and really brightens up the space! We have lots more to do, including installing a new window, installing an already purchased chandelier, paint the rest of the inside, install flower boxes, build front porch, make paved nook in property, build garden, and sow grass seed. Phew! I'd better get busy!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Path to parenthood

After a good year of debate dh and I settled on foster to adopt as our route to parenthood. Thats not to say it will be sucessful or that we wont adopt a different way in the future but for now, its how we're going.

Last week I emailed about a $40 baby lot that contained a boopy, swing, tigger door jumper, and a box of clothes. I drove out to my dream area (big lawns, no city, quiet but close to the city amenties) to meet a wonderful woman. When I told her we were adopting she sold me everything but the boopy (which she had determined belonged to someone else) for $20. It was SO awesome! The clothes are boy 0-6 months, stain free and theres a LOT of them. The swing and jumper are both for small infant so if we get an older infant it wont work. But I'm quite sure I can re-coup my $20 if thats the case, everything is in perfect condition. I've been eyeing baby equipment but in till we get everything moved out and painted its best to wait. In less I see an amazing deal or a freebie. I would like to get all my equipment secondhand, theres a lot of turnover in our area and i see great stuff for cheap. I've been debating getting a highchair or one that fits on a the table and i've decided on a highchair. I want to be able to set the baby in the highchair with me in the kitchen. Our table isn't in the kitchen, so that wouldn't work for me! I want a pack and play pen. The stroller might be the only thing we buy new if we decide to get a travel system. Car seats must be new! I have the rocking chair my mom used for me. I'm still thinking about the changing table, we'll see. Its a small room so we might use our tall dresser as both.

I wish spell check was working!

Friday, February 22, 2008

mmm spring

Instead of keeping my home tightly sealed, fighting every draft to the best of my ability I threw open the windows and welcomed the fresh air. Finally a day where its too warm with the windows closed. A day when I get too hot playing to wear my fleece outside. Where I can frolic with my puppies in a T-shirt! Oh yes! Soon I will plan bulbs, sow seeds, and await the arrival of blooms.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Free pancake tuesday

Today is Ihop's pancake day. Dh and I went. They weren't free. We bought a coffee, and split an omelet for $12. Tip was $3, donation to the childrens hospital was $5. I'm all for donating, but it seems kind of misleading to call it 'free pancake day' when you are heavily encouraged to donate money for the 'free' pancakes. In fact they said you should keep in mind the price of pancakes when donating, basicly please donate the amount you would have spent on pancakes. I hope ihop is matching the donation, because i'm not very pleased with their marketing. Effective yes, but misleading.

Cake supplies

I'm 2 classes into my session two class. Its still fun but its more intense then the last class. Royal icing is harder to work with, and it tastes like paste! But the flowers are pretty, and color flow is fun. I bought more supplies.

$14 for student kit (used coupon)
$9 for several frosting colors
$9 for new carring kit, works wonderfully
$7 for color flow (this is a stupid tax, i lost the packet that comes in the kit)
$3 brushes
$1.99 for 2 1/4 cup countainers
$5 cake carrier

Total $48.99 am i done yet? Unfortunatly no, I need a tip keeper, more tips, and a covered container to carry my frosting flowers in. My flowers flew all over my yard!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Walgreens spa rewards update

I recieved a letter today from the Wyeth company. Because of the overwhelming demand for spa appointments they have come up with a second option. You can send in your certificates to be exchanged for a pre-paid gift card in the same ammount. So my $100 in gift certificates will give me a $100 gift card. I'm going to exchange mine, I was worried about missing the deadline to call and complete, plus I would rather pick my own spa. I was lucky enough to recieve a professional massage as a gift a few years ago, and would like to go back to there. Getting a gift card would also allow me to share it with my husband, he could use a massage. Or i may spend it all. I could even save it and use the money on our family reunion trip. I really like the flexibilty the gift card offers. When I send in the certificate i am going to photograph all of my paper work in case it gets lost in the mail.

When is spell check going to work again??? I dont have word so I cant check my document there first.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Rite aid freebies

I haven't cut my new coupons up yet but riteaid has men's speed stick deoderant free after reabte.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Walgreens scores

I caved yesterday and headed off to walgreens. But who can beat a $5 off $20 coupon on top of rebates? Dh did his own transaction so we could take advantage of two coupons.

4 boxes kneenex $8.76 (3.56 after in ad coupon)
Hair relaxor kit $5 (prints out $5 register reward)
Sally hard as nails .99 this is the only polish that doesn't chip off my weird nails!
4 bottles dawn dish soap $7.16 ($3.96 after in ad coupon)
Garnier shampoo $3.99 (free after rebate)
Softsoap body wash $4.49 (free after rebate)

Total before deals $34.94
After in store coupons and deals $16.99
Total after rebate $8.42

4 knuckle bones $12 (SO WORTH IT!)
Menn deoderant $3.99 (free after rebate)
Chapstick $2 (printed out $2 register reward)
Walgreens soap .59
Plastic bottle $1.29
soap dish $1.29
5 hr energy $4.49 (free after rebate)

Before deals $25.06
After coupons and sales $20.65
After rebates $12.17

Personally I don't count the register rewards as freebies till I use them. If i considered the chapstick and relaxing kit free now, I would have to count them as full price when I actually buy the free ones. I had a revlon lip pumper in my cart too but it either fell through the holes or is still in the cart! I'll be sure and grab one when I turn in the register rewards.

$60 worth of stuff for $20.59. The dog bones were $12 of that and let me tell you, all the hours of peace are worth $12!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mmm nothing interesting here.

Not much going on around here lately, and I must say thats a good thing. I've been non-stop for the past two months and some down time is much needed. I only wish my exausted husband could get some as well! I've been staying out of the stores, but will be heading off to do my drugstore shopping tomorrow. We did switch our cell phone plan to another carrier saving us $80 a month. We would have saved another $20 a month if we hadn't added 1000 text messages per line. But dh and I text all day long, and its well worth it to us. He works such long hours (occasionally from 5am till 8pm) that we need it to keep in touch. And its fun! My phone will be $50 after rebate, his will be $100. He has a $20 phone right now but we will switch it for a tough phone with better service. Staying home is wonderful.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tax rebate

Hubby and I can expect to get about $1,200 from the rebate check. What to do with it? Normally I would pay off a debt or save it. But my husband will be re-enlisting in a few months and at that time we will pay off all our debt except the house. Since we have very little non-mortgage debt there will be plenty of money left over for a motorcycle (for DH) and money to save for an adoption. Not to mention we will get our tax rebate back around then too. We need some work done on the house, but nothing extensive.

So, what to do with that chunk of cash? A vacation would be really lovely, we haven't been on a long vacation for a year and a half. We're going to a family reunion in April, but we wont be paying for a lot of that and its not very relaxing. Besides a vacation I would truly *love* to go on a thousand dollar shopping spree. I know its not frugal, or wise. I know that it would be smart to save the money. I do love saving. But. . . Being frugal sometimes means denying yourself the things you want. Being an adult means choosing whats best over whats fun. I do it all the time. Wouldn't it be fun to pick the irresponsible option? The do what you want instead of what you should do option? To buy every little item that catches your eye no matter what the price tag?

A girl can dream. However if you'll excuse me I have a room to clean out and a house to spruce up. That romance novel and warm blanket will have to wait.

Rite aid update

I just checked my rebate status (I do my rite aid rebates online)and I did get the $2 light bulb rebate. Awesome! Today I have a ton of cleaning/prep to do because my two best friends are comming up tomorrow to stay the night. I want to make a walgreens run at some point to see how much make-up I can score. I adore money saving mom!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rite Aid deals

1 pack 100watt light bulbs $2 (free after rebate)normally $4.59
2 cans glade air freshner $2.58 ($1.29 after bogo free coupon) normally $3.38
1 citre shine $3.49 (free after rebate) normally $4.99
1 luminous glaze $7.99 (free after rebate) normally $9.99
diapermate disposable bags $2.49 (free after rebate) normally $2.99
1 lansinoh cloths free after in store coupon normally $3.99
1 healthy flu relief $6.99 (free after rebate) normally $9.99
1 juicy fruit gum pack free after $1 coupon normally .99 cents
Bounty paper towels .99 (.75 after .25 coupon) normally $1.69
2 sunsilk bonus packs $6 (4.50 after $1.50 coupon) normally $8.98
1 organic conditioner $5.99 (free after rebate) normally $7.99

Total before deals $60.56
Total after sales $43.51
Total after coupons $35.51
Total after rebates $8.56

Woah! Thats a lot of stuff for $8.56. I love collecting baby items as they are on sale/very cheap. That way when we get a foster baby I'll already have some things on hand. I messed up the light bulb rebate, you need to purchase 2 to get the rebate and I only bought one. We use energy saving bulbs almost everywhere but they dont work in our bathroom and a few of the lamps.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cheap? Frugal? Crazy?

Frugal is: Using less laundry detergent then the makers suggest.

Cheap is: Cleaning up the spilled laundry detergent with a wet already dirty rag that you promptly throw into the washer to use as detergent for the washer load.

No personal experience with this what so ever! Noooo not me!

Lazy saturday? Ha!

Yesterday I planned on being a big bum. Dh and I were going to stay home all day, lounge in pjs and just relax. My plan was to read in bed all day. When I woke up Saturday morning I jumped onto my bloglines to see what had been posted. Money saving mom had posted a link to another blog's safeway deals. What a haul! It was too good to ignore, I had to go! I had neglected my coupons for TWO WEEKS. Which meant I spent a large chunk of the day clipping, organizing and planning my attack. I worked at the best deals combined with the coupons I had, making a list for each transaction. We ended up doing two, since I had dh doing his own I put each transaction's shopping list and coupons in its own baggy.

My transaction
Before sales and coupons: $41.21
After sales: $21.50
After $10 off 10 deal: $11.50
After coupons: $5.60

Hubby's transaction
Before sales and coupons: $38.34
After sales: $24.04
After $10 off 10 deal: $14.04
After coupons $10.29

That is $79.55 worth of groceries for $15.89
WOW! I LOVE moneysaving mom! And the new blog is going on my bloglines. I cant tell you how many times reading frugal blogs has saved me money, especially moneysavingmom in particular!

I'm not going to make a list, so here's a picture of the goods.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My spending plan

Last night we picked up our Costco groceries, butter, cheese, etc. When I spotted and loudly gasped at their very soft body pillows. I had purchased one more then 2 years ago but now it was flat and not fluffy soft. I had been looking and waiting for another one for a few months now. However this is the first time Costco had them in stock! And they were on sale $9.99 instead of $14.99! Ohhhhh! But we're trying to save money, spend less. . oh but so soft and fluffy! I'm quite sure DH knew this inner monologue was going on because he said 'Oh just get it! You know your going to regret not buying it!' Love him! Had I been alone i probably would have been good and walked away, but reported my find to him later.

That's how our money gets spent, a spouse finds something they want and the other spouse encourages the first one to buy it. We both want each other to be happy, and we certainly don't want to bum the other one out so we encourage the purchase. But its not helpful to our bank balance, and it need to be curtailed somewhat. My plan to spend less is:

Shop alone: When I do a rite aid or Walgreen's coupon hunt Dh goes off and looks at things by himself. Sometimes that adds a few items to the cart. Especially if we go to a department store or mass retailer. However the problem with this is its hard for me to get the car. One or two days a week I need to make sure I have the car and that I don't let other things side track my shopping. Plus dh does not want to shop when he gets home from work, he would rather stay home and relax. If I go he wants to be with me so he comes too, I need to get it done when he's at work.

Thrift stores
: For some reason we've gotten out of this habit, I'm not sure why. But we both enjoy shopping at thrift stores and its much cheaper for the pocket book. I want to very seriously consider every non-sale purchase there. Its easy to brush it off and say oh 'well its only $6, the thrift store is already so cheap' but the truth is they generally have great sale merchandise. Why spend $6 when I can get it half off? We don't buy under ware, shoes, or pants at the thrift store but everything else is game.

Keep track of money, OUT LOUD: Dh does not pay attention when I tell him at the start of the two weeks that we have X amount of money to last. He doesn't subtract money spent from the total. I need to keep a more accurate running total and constantly update him.

Stop eating out: We tend to be on the go a lot and generally grab meals while we're out. This is unhealthy and expensive. I need to get a better list of meals that can be prepared without knowing exactly when hubby will be home. I love to cook, he loves to eat my cooking and its better for us. NO EXCUSES! However we did allow one meal out per week.

Buy things that matter to us: I can tell you very few purchases from the past two weeks, yet I know we spent a ton of money. I want to stop buying the kind of items we can't remember and just buy the ones we do. At the thrift store. On sale!

We used to be really good on all these points but as we became good at them our available money increased and gradually we lost the habit. I like being frugal. I like really appreciating the 'small' treats. Its time to go back to our penny pinching ways!

Now if you'll excuse me I have a very very soft pillow to stroke, I mean cuddle. :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thrift store finds

Isn't this cute? No not the cranky calico, although she is adorable! I'm taking about the sheet. I picked it up at good will a few days ago. It had a pink tag on $1.29 pink tag day.

Close up shot:

I grabbed it from the sheet section. Dh threw it in the washer for me. Yesterday I went to fold the dry, clean 'sheet' only to find that it is in fact a tab top curtain panel! Whoops! I already have blue (tab top no less) curtains in the nursery, they were the curtains from my bedroom in college. I'm considering putting this one up between the two blues. They are not the same color but I think it might work anyways.

We picked up a lot of good stuff there, including 2 soft pink tagged shirts one for me and dh. He bought a new feeling fleece that he LOVES for $5.99. The dogs got a 'new' football for $2.99. We only buy them cheap toys, they are toy killers! I love shopping the thrift store its such an adventure. Sure you may not find the black pants that you need, but you might find a really great sweater or a new kitchen gadget.

Cake decorating class

I'm having so much fun! The ladies in my class are very nice and the instructor is crazy. Not to mention, YUM! My husband loved my cake. I made a (scratch) yellow cake with chocolate buttercream frosting, then decorated with mint and vanilla buttercream frosting. I was the only one that made different colors and flavors of frosting. I figure since I'm doing it I might as well make it interesting. I'm also the only one who made a scratch cake. Everyone has a kitchen aid mixer, which makes baking from scratch very easy. I wonder how much I save baking a scratch cake instead of a mix. My (frugal isn't that wonderful?) instructor buys cake mix at Grocery Outlet for .99 a box. I'm tempted to compute the price of a scratch cake! But i have all the needed ingredients in my pantry and I don't remember their individual prices. However if I need more I think I'll price everything out. Because I'm just that nerdy!

My cake was not a work of art! But its the first one so I don't intend to beat myself up about it. We needed 3 batches of frosting, stiff, medium, and thin. My medium frosting was the constancy of thick! I have plenty of frosting for a few classes. I made 4 batches of thin (accident!), 1 of medium (which is now stiff), 1 of stiff. I do need to make another batch of medium. The instructor drew the design on my cake, a simple 4 leaf flower. I filled it in with yellow, then outlined in orange. When my husband saw the cake he got very excited and said 'Is that a propeller??' lol sure honey. Like I said I dont mind that this one is not a masterpiece I had lots of fun making it and I really enjoy eatting it!

Monday, January 14, 2008

More cake decorating supplies

I spent another $14.42 at Michael's

Cake circles 12" $5.49 - 40% off coupon $3.29
100 ct disposable bags $19.99 - 50% off coupon $9.99

Yesterday I spend another $9 at the dollar store on toothpicks, 2 sets of Rubbermaid tag a longs, 2 containers for frosting, parchment paper, gallon sized Ziploc bags, sandwich bags, and sisors.

Today I bought two spreading spatulas for $1 total at the thrift store. we went to the thrift store first then to the craft store. Dh was looking at the cake decorating supplies sighing over the prices, when he spotted the spatulas we had just bought for $4 each. It seemed to cheer him a little, he said 'at least we aren't spending $8 for spatulas!'

A few days ago i bought meringue powder, flavoring, and coloring for $9.44

Which brings my total for supplies to $62.42! OUCH! Thank goodness I've been using coupons or it would be a lot more!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Kitchen Aid stand mixer! Woo!

I managed to blow out my hand mixer last week. Normally I would shop around for a replacement while waiting for a good price. But I needed one to make the 3 batches butter cream frosting required for class. My instructor said blowing out a hand mixer was a common problem when making icing. Dh and I talked it over and decided now was the time to invest in a stand mixer. I LOVE it! I wanted blue but all my appliances are white or black. I'm not a fan of white appliances because they yellow with age. Black it is.

Can I just tell you how thrilled I am with it? I have wanted one forever but in till this kitchen did not have room for one. Once we bought the house funds became too strained to purchase it without planning. We bought ours at the nex for $236 and we will have a credit of $23 on the card statement making the total $213 no tax on base. The same model was $300 at sears on sale for $280 plus tax. I have $140 saved. That means only $73 will come out of the family budget. My husband had said I could have $150 towards the purchase but I was waiting till next month to buy it. I got exactly what I wanted, for less then hubby said I could spend!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Who can afford to shop retail??

Yesterday I want to Jcpennys to spend some of my gift card. I was in need of panties! Of course being me I headed straight to clearance sections and didn't give the 'sale' racks a second glance. I ended up finding 9 pairs I liked. I spent $22.31 on 9 pairs. Full price total was $69!!!! Oh my! Who can afford to blow $69 on a little more then a weeks worth of underwear? At the same time I found 2 clearance bras for $11.19 each or $22.38 total. Full price for the bras are $28 or $56 total! If I had paid full price for 2 bras, and 9 pairs of panties I would have paid $125! That's a lot of money for underwear!

After I picked out the undergarments I headed to the ladies clothing racks. I found a beautiful white cardigan for $15.99 very thick and warm normally $44. I also found 2 wrap around long sleeve shirts for $7.99 each normally $22 each. Had I spent retail for all of my purchases it would have cost me $213. That's my monthly grocery budget! I cant believe how expensive everything is getting. Even on sale for 50% off (which is a rare sale) everything would have been $106.50. I paid $76.60.

Jcpenny is a department store I would consider moderate, cheaper then Macys and more expensive then Target. But it seems like their prices are getting to be outrageous. Maybe its not that the department store prices are going up? Maybe I'm just so used to buying used/deeply discounted that pure retail is totally shocking? I love quality clothing, but there is no way I can afford to spend $213 on 2 shirts, a cardigan, 2 bras, and 9 pairs of panties. Its a good thing I have an eye for clearance, since I'm not about to buy second hand panties!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Cake decorating class

It seems my $10 student kick was far too low cost to be my only supplies. I had a feeling I would need a few more items but in actuality I need quite a bit more! I spent another $18.18 and I estimate I only have half the things I need.

I bought
piping gel $3.49
Cake Leveler $2.99
4pc coupler set $1.99
2 packs clearance holiday baking cups $1.58

Total $10.05
- 10% student discount
+ tax
Final $9.72

My expensive purchase was my turn table. They had a plain model for $8.99, or a non-slip footed model for $12.99. I had a 40% off coupon to use. The basic model would be $5.39 after coupon my instructor says she puts a wet towel under hers to keep it from slipping. The footed model was $7.79 after coupon no towel needed. That's a difference of $2.40 for a model I like much better. I'm just fine with that. Total after tax $8.46.

I need meringue powder, cardboard cake serving boards, flavorings, disposable bags, pointed scissors, tooth pick holder, a ton of shortening, powdered sugar, and 3 small lidded bowls. I'll going back to the craft store a few times to buy things with coupons. I'm thinking Costco for the shortening and powdered sugar. I already have some Wilton coloring, those colors will do just fine for the next week at least. My husband offered me a plastic tool box to carry everything in, and since this is a week when every penny matters I'm going to accept. I'm hoping that the next class wont be as costly supply wise because I'll have the main stuff. In the mean time this one looks like a lot of fun!

Monday, January 7, 2008

After christmas sale

My base's store (called NEX) was clearancing out a bunch of Christmas stuff. I saw CARTS filled to the brim with gift sets! I bought two of these lotions sets. They were originally marked $18 each!!! Can you imagine?? I paid $9 for both!

I also picked up 2 foot care sets. Normally $11 apiece! I paid $5.50 for both!

I also bought my mother in law's main Christmas present for next year, a snow baby. It is normally $40 and I paid $10. No picture of that.


I love money saving mom! Sunday morning I did not have a lot of time to clip coupons and match them to deals before we left. So i booped onto coupon mom to see what she recommended. All I had to do was quickly flip through the coupons to find the ones that she suggested.

Alka seltzer orange $.99 ($4.99 before coupon and rebate)
Excedrin free + $2 overage ($3 before coupon and rebate)
2 nature's bounty vitamins $4.29 ($12.58 before sale and coupon)
Lash blast mascara $4 ($7 before coupon that a nice lady gave me!)
Lash blast mascara free after register coupon

Total before everything $38.68
Total after sales $30.11
Total after coupons $14.11
Total after rebate $9.11

Organix rebate

My Walmart has a rebate for Organix shampoo or conditioner. The rebate form was on the bottle. I believe it was $5.98 before the rebate, I would check but my receipt and form are already sealed in an envelope.

Rite Aid deals

Dryer balls $2 (as seen on tv brand costs $10)
Better homes and gardens oven mitt with cookie mix $1.49 (5.99 before clearance)
3 kleenex $3.49 ($6.87 before sale and .50 off coupon)
120 gift tags .62 ($2.49 before clearance)
bag of bows .74 ($2.99 before clearance)
Bayer children's asprin free ($2.69 before sale and coupons)
Gold bond lotion $5.49 ($9.99 before sale and coupon)
Garnier shampoo $1 ($4.19 before coupon, sale, and rebate)
Soyjoy bar free ($1.39 before sale and coupon)

Total before sales, rebates and coupons $38.60
Total after sales $22.32 after sales
Total after coupons $14.82
Total after rebate $13.82
+$1.71 tax

Friday, January 4, 2008

Read the labels!

This afternoon as I was sitting here blogging about my blessings I took a cold pill. I glanced casually at the box and noted it said decongestant free. For some reason my brain took that to mean 'non-drowsy' WRONG! As I was wandering around the house working on random things (my favorite way to clean! Its amazing what I get done) I suddenly became completely exhausted. I mean lay down and go to sleep immediately exhausted. I figured my cold was kicking into gear and started texting my husband that this cold was going to be a dozy. Then I saw the medicine box on the table. Hmmmm I wonder. . . Flip it over to read 'may cause extreme drowsiness!' You think?? I'm glad it was just a 4 hour pill, I feel much better now if a bit foolish. I could have accomplished more today, had I not medicated myself into oblivion!

Safeway Deals

Safeway has 18oz jars of Jiff peanut butter on sale 2 for $2! You have to use an in-ad coupon to get the deal. I wish I had more then one ad! The price for two is normally $6.58!

How does a cupcake get a cold?!

Last night I heard funny noises that kept waking me up. Now I sleep with a husband, two dogs on the floor, however many cats that want to sleep on the bed, and the rest somewhere in the room. (Can you tell it gets pretty toasty with all of us in the same room) So random noises don't bother me, why was I waking up to this one? Because I was making the noise. Because it was my chest wheezing with every breath I took. This morning (surprise surprise) I woke up to the start of a chest cold. I'm so bummed! My husband is not home today which means i get to take the dogs outside in the cold all day long. Plus hubby has this weekend off and we have nothing we HAVE to do. But we were planning to find some snow somewhere to spend the day sledding and playing with puppies. We've been planning a snow day since before Christmas (when we got bogged down with commitments) and who knows if he will get enough time off to do it again. Days off can be rare in his command! As I'm rapidly descending into a cranky 'woe is me' attitude I stopped to count my blessings.

1. I do not have to call into work sick. Less will get done around my home, but I'll do what I'm able and it will be just fine.

2. A warm house

2. Plenty of food and tea

3. Fully stocked medicine cabinet full of cough drops, cough syrup, and cold medicine. All of it purchased free or cheaply. I remember when having a cold created a financial hardship for me.

4. Incredible insurance should this be the Bronchitis I think it is. I can (when I'm able to get an appointment sometimes that is a squeeze) walk into the doctor, have tests run, walk out with a wide array of medicine and not pay a cent. I can not tell you how much I LOVE that. I'm well, not the healthiest individual and military medical has been a huge blessing. Its not something I take for granted! The incredible medical coverage is a part of why my husband intends to make a career of the military. I've had my share of bad military doctors (that is a story for a later post) but I've also had some incredible ones.

5. My mom. Should I need her, or simply want her she will come over here and harass me till I feel better. No pampering from my mama! She will help with things if I need it but her sick cure is to bug, and it works. :)

6. The internet, tv, dvds and several bookcases of books to entertain myself with.

7. The biggest, My husband is HOME! I've spent the last 4 years of our relationship with him gone more then home. So what if I have to be sick by myself for a day? Big deal! I've been sick many times when he was gone, when there was no relief in sight because I would be well long before he came home. Ok so the man doesn't handle sickness very well, and can get cranky about the whole process but he will take the dogs outside all day. And he will get me things I want. But most of all if i need him to do something, he will be there.

I'm still sick and tired But I dont feel so bad anymore. I'm blessed and I dont intend to take it for granted!

Yogurt Update

My first batch of yogurt was successful! It was less tart then store bought, but not as thick. Next time I plan to use powdered milk miked into regular milk or made thicker then normal. My husband and I have a hard time using a gallon of milk before it expires, now when its getting close to the expiration date I'll make a quart of yogurt.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

ASPCA commercial

Yesterday I was moved to tears by a TV commercial. It was an ASPCA commercial showing abused and rescued animals. It was not a long commercial and I think I saw no more then half of it before I had to walk away and hug my big goofy dog. This dog is the bane of my existence. Oh he's pure love but he is also stubborn, willful and frequently in trouble. There has been two times in the past year that I was considered re-homing him (a practice I strongly believe against) but decided to see it through. It has not been easy. But I think he's slowly turning into a great dog.

My second hug went to hubby's baby girl. My 4th cat, and the most stubborn. She was injured at 2 months old, and it was predicted she would not live. Hubby and I nursed her back to health, she went EVERYWHERE with us. That girl was at our wedding! We forced water and liquid food down her for days. I remember the exact moment she started acting normal again. She's so precious, even if she's quite an ornery snot. I hugged her next because she was mad at me, and getting a big mommy hug didn't help her mood any! Why was the darling kitty mad? Her dinner was 45 minutes late. I'm watching images of animals without limbs because of abuse and my girl is angry her dinner is late? Wow.

Besides making me sad the commercial, made me grateful for the animals in my life. For our ability to pamper them with a special canned dinner every night, high quality food, toys, cat stands, blankets, play time, chews and all the love they want. When we moved and our cats hid upstairs in their carriers for days the things that comforted them most were each other, things that smelled like us, and most of all us. Our animals are strongly bonded to us, and I consider it an honor to have earned their love. I think its so important to really commit when you bring an animal into your home, its not always going to be easy or convenient but the pay offs are huge.

Yogurt check

I just looked at the yogurt and its still milk. It says it takes anywhere from 4-11 hours and I bet mine will take the long amount. Our house is chilly! I can not stand the taste of yogurt (i intend to eat it in a smoothie, or in place of sour cream) even the store bought flavored kinds. When I was reading yogurt making recipes they often advised to add honey to the finished product. So i added honey (best honey ever, its from a local farm and I can taste a hint of blackberry in the honey), jam, and homemade granola to some of the yogurt I bought for starter. Its not bad! I still don't adore it but I can eat it with out cringing. Yogurt is so healthy that I'm going to find a way to get it inside of me, even if I detest it!

Homemade Yogurt

I've got my first ever batch of yogurt in the oven (incubating) right now. I hope it turns out! I know homemade yogurt can be tricky, so it may take me a few batches to get it right. Personally I HATE yogurt but its something I need to eat anyways. My hubby loves yogurt. Homemade is supposed to be less tart and its defiantly cheaper. I bought whole milk for the first few batches. Half a gallon of whole milk cost me $1.99. Half a gallon is 2 quarts (8 cups). So making a quart of yogurt will cost me a little more then .99 cents when the yogurt starter is added. A quart of plain yogurt was $1.99. I'm sure if I use powdered milk the cost will be even lower.

Heres the recipe I used

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New years

Happy New Year! We celebrated this year by making a special dinner and relaxing on the couch. Truthfully I would have preferred a different celebration, but with Christmas just behind us and the mass of needed repairs it was not in the budget. How did we celebrate? I made fondue, we drank wine, watched a movie, watched fireworks and kissed at midnight. Cost:

8oz provolone- $2
6 oz smoked Gouda $4
8 oz leftover Swiss free
6 tbs brandy free
loaf of crusty bread $2
Total $8

Riesling $8 used for fondue and drinking
Champagne $5 (never opened lol)
Total $13

Pirates of the Caribbean 3-free (we use blockbuster online)
Total $0

Fireworks: free. We have a great view of the city across from us.

Kisses:Priceless! Hubby is frequently gone for holidays.

Total was a simple, calm holiday with a special meal: $21