Thursday, October 25, 2007


Today my husband and I sat down, with no distractions and listed our financial goals. To my suprise the ones he listed were different then mine. But after listing both sets of goals, we came up with a set that fit both of us. I think goals are important, and its very important to have a common set in a marriage. If he's saving for vacation, and I'm saving to pay off debt were going to have problems! My main goal is to get out of debt. I dint like debt! We have a minimal amount, a small car loan, 1 credit card, and a mortgage. But i want to be free of everything including the mortgage. My husband really wants/needs a vacation. Last summer we spent a week in Las Vegas, and last spring we went down to Oregon for a few days. But we haven't been anywhere since. We were saving for our house. That was a MAJOR goal! So we've agreed to save for a vacation in a year. That's a long time away! But in April my family is having a huge reunion, that's sort of mandatory for us. My grandma paid for dues and other expenses related to the reunion but it still leaves us hotel (we could stay with my family but for sanity's sake were going to get a hotel) car rental, airfare, and dog kennel. I doubt we'll need to spend much on meals my grandma's home has a kitchen and if we go out to eat much we'll probably be treated. But we do need spending money, gas money, and fun money to go. Which means we will have that to save for that as well. Its kind of a mandatory vacation right? :) Except my mama already told us she's putting us to work! We've been remiss on getting big dog his shots, and getting him fixed. We agreed to accomplish that next check. We also agreed to get our furnace checked and the metal flute we need installed. Paying with savings if necessary. That's been our biggest block to do foster care. Once that is taken care of we can move forward! I am happy, I think my husband is happy and we should be back on track financially in no time.

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