Saturday, December 1, 2007

Its begining to look a lot like Christmas!

My very favortite time of the year! My area does not get much snow, usually 1-4 light snows a year that melt by the next day or so. Last year we have 3 pretty good snowfalls. My husband called be before I was awake to inform me it was snowing. Uh no its not dear I'm looking out the window. About 3 minutes later we had snow! This is the first snow for our dogs, both are under a year and they did not seem too thrilled!

So what does a homemaker with minimal heat sources do on a snowy day? She fires up the oven and gets baking!

These cookies are from a recipe in the Tightwad Gazette that uses boxed cake mix. They turn out delicious and oh so easy.

This is a chocolate chip cookie cake that I'm making as a thank you for a friend. I like to use applesauce for half the fat in chocolate chip cookies. They turn out very moist and you can't taste the applesauce. I'm going to try my hand at frosting it but Its not one of my skills so there probably wont be a picture of that. Hope everyone has a good day!

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