Our spending is out of control! Dh makes more then ever and instead of saving and investing the extra we're spending it. And i'm sick of it! We started an all cash spending budget. I've resisted for years. Its inconvenient to carry cash, I'm afraid it will get stolen, all I've ever used was a debit card etc. But no matter how many times I would say we only have X amount to spend we always managed to spend more. Normally I just give us X amount for 2 weeks. And because the dollars are not designated to specific areas we over spend. Thats in the past now! We just started this last week and are still working out the kinks but so far its great. I'm going to share our budget which may seem extravagant to some and small to others.
Every week we're budgeting $200 for spending.
$40/ a week for gas ($20 per car)
$40 groceries (think i MAY have to add to this)
$30 pet food ($60 dry food a month/ wet food/ treats/ bones)
$20 fast food.
Total $130
That leaves $70 for anything else. Clothing/ household needs/ toys/ entertainment etc
Typing it out makes my stomach curdle because it doesn't seem like much. But that is the point, we're used to spending money whenever we want. Its not healthy! Bad for the budget, bad for us. I find buying whatever I want whenever very unfulfilling. When we limit money our 'treats' seem way more special and wonderful! Hubby and I each get $40 a paycheck for ourselves. We can spend it, save it, blow it whatever we choose. It really helps us to not feel deprived.
We have a specific fast food budget because we we're buying it all the time. Gross. This is already changing the way we eat. Several times now when we would have grabbed food on the run, we ate at home. When we do eat out its off the dollar menu instead of more expensive 'value' meals.
Since theres less money for movies, entertainment shopping, even thrift store browsing we've been playing with the dogs more. Going to the park to run and play instead of blowing money on stupid things. What a change a 'small' budget brings to an over spending family!